Sunday 20 December 2020

2020 Survey Results

Thanks to everybody that participated in the survey.  There were 21 responses and these were the results, with some surprises in there as usual.

First, these were the works that got no votes.  The Vulture, The Led Zep Collection and The Hidden Gorilla.  I'm not surprised that the vulture and gorilla did badly.  I did consider leaving them out of the survey but people have a habit of voting for works that I don't rate.  The fact that there are only three works at the bottom is evidence of this.  I thought Led Zep might get more votes but can't complain as I didn't vote for them myself.

Next, only one vote for each of these.  So I guess the inktense pencil figure drawings and the marker portrait collections aren’t as popular as the watercolours then?  Still, I'm continuing with both as they're things I can do indoors when it's cold or wet outside.

Two votes for these.  I was shocked to see that watercolour so low as it's quite colourful and people normally talk about how they like my colours.  Maybe the problem was that the guy in the photo doesn't look human.

Three votes for these.  Yeah, these are not perfect.  I'm surprised Maxine with the undersized head did so well - I prefer some of the one-vote figure drawings to her.

Four votes for these.  We're starting to cross into decent stuff now.  The Hateful Eight came out lower than I was expecting.

Five votes now, and we're definitely into the good stuff.  The best of the figure drawings are all here.  Super Blood Wolf Moon with all those colourful fields did better than I was expecting.

Six votes.  The Tree Of Life and Sedona, Arizona both coming out lower than I was expecting. And the dogs and the Easter Island drawing are the highest rated of all my inktense pencil works.

A little jump up to eight votes and people clearly like the buildings that I was drawing in the summer to prepare for Landscape Artist Of The Year.  The Rose And Crown did better than I was expecting.  And Skyfall got more votes than a lot of other abstracty landscapes that I thought were better.

These two got nine votes.  Three Days Of Snow deserves its place up there.  And the archway is another of those works from when I was preparing for LAOTY that everybody likes, even if I thought there wasn't enough contrast in it between light and dark.

And top scorer with 11 votes was this sunset.  One that I was pleased with and voted for.  I can feel the heat coming off the page.  A worthy winner.

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